Florida West Coast Birds
The trip wasn’t only shooting pelicans, and while the population of shorebirds I’ve been shooting on the past couple of trips wasn’t there, there were birds.

One of the few peeps (small sandpipers) I saw, I think all told I only saw a handful on the beach all day.

The late afternoon broguht a break in the clouds, and the light got much better. Unlike the last few times I’ve been on Sanibel’s beaches, there were a lot more Snowy Egrets out in the surf. Of course some to think of it, the ocean was quite a bit calmer this time as well.

One of my favoirte images from this time on the beach. This Willet–I think–was all fluffed up in the late afternoon light.

On my way home I stopped by Corkscrew Swamp, and got my first shot at a Swallow-tailed Kite. Simply amazing birds, this was one of a pair that were hunting right over the tree line at the start of the trail.

Also at corkscrew swam while photographing an alligator (those will be coming tomorrow) that wasn’t so happy that I was there, I managed to catch this Palm Warbler dancing, well taking off. The timing was perfect, I simply wish the angle was a little better.

I don’t know really find them all that pleasing, Roseate Spoonbills, but apparently a lot of people seem to like them. There was one, a juvinile, srounded by black mud, not the ideal photographic conditions, but it does make for a very prime evil environment and for this shot.