Custom PWM Configuration for Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 (SAM based)
High-frequency PWM is necessary for some applications, like flicker free video lighting and 4-wire PWM fans. This guide covers the basics of configuring and using the built in PWM generator of the Atmel SAM D21 micro-controller that’s used in certain Arduino devices, like the MKR WIFI 1010.
LED Panel Project – PWM Control Test 1
Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been writing about my LED light project. This article is no different. There’s functionally two aspects of this project that I’m working on simultaneously. One is designing an actual LED Light panel, we the controller for one at least ,and the other is more investigative work on various […]
Quality of Light Tests – DiY Light Panel
Quite a while back, before I learned the proper terminology, I wrote about the metameric failures here and here that occur when using non-tungsten light sources. These sources have become increasingly common and popular due to their low power consumption and low heat output, and solid state — LED — lighting forms the basis of […]
Powering Projectes – Batteries
I just finished soldering together my first test LED light panel, it’s only 492 lumens worth of LEDs, but it’s good enough to start testing a lot of the electronics. So things are slowly moving forward. Today though, I want to talk a bit about power, or rather batteries. I first started thinking about power back […]