Custom PWM Configuration for Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 (SAM based)
High-frequency PWM is necessary for some applications, like flicker free video lighting and 4-wire PWM fans. This guide covers the basics of configuring and using the built in PWM generator of the Atmel SAM D21 micro-controller that’s used in certain Arduino devices, like the MKR WIFI 1010.
Canon’s EF-M Mount’s Lens Type Detection
In order to select the correct voltages, clock rates, and communication protocols, Canon’s EF-M cameras use an interesting voltage divider circuit to detect what kind of lens is attached.
Dynamic Range and Lights
Today I want to talk briefly about dynamic range, but not that of a camera sensor. Instead I want to talk about the dynamic range of a light. As I mentioned in a previous blog post, I’m working on designing an LED Light Panel controller and part of designing such a thing is figuring out […]
Quality of Light Tests – DiY Light Panel
Quite a while back, before I learned the proper terminology, I wrote about the metameric failures here and here that occur when using non-tungsten light sources. These sources have become increasingly common and popular due to their low power consumption and low heat output, and solid state — LED — lighting forms the basis of […]
Powering Projectes – Batteries
I just finished soldering together my first test LED light panel, it’s only 492 lumens worth of LEDs, but it’s good enough to start testing a lot of the electronics. So things are slowly moving forward. Today though, I want to talk a bit about power, or rather batteries. I first started thinking about power back […]